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Wealthbox is the #1 gold standard in CRM systems for financial professionals.

Learn more here: https://www.wealthbox.com

Wealthbox is an optional but highly recommended add-on system which we are able to license for a group discount. Click here to learn more about adding this to your practice.

The client relationship management (CRM) system is where we should be spending much of our screen time as advisors.

It should be the first thing we log into for the day, and the last thing we update before shutting down for the day.

We live in here.

The purpose of the CRM is to warehouse contact information, meeting notations, and assign ourselves future tasks.

With so many irons in the fire, we need to get things out of our heads and into a system so that nothing slips through the cracks.

This entire business is based upon relationships and keeping on top of excellent communication and follow up.

We cannot over-document in here.

Our mission is to simplify life for our clients, but sometimes that means getting extremely detailed with our internal notes and thought process.

We put in the work.

When a new prospect enters the fold, plug in as much data as you have to create a contact record, then assign yourself a task for the next follow up.

Each new communication affords us the chance to add appropriate client data and build out the profile over time.

once we've established a relationship with a client, the CRM should be our hub.

Every communication should be noted in the contact record.

It's a super easy habit to begin, but takes discipline to maintain consistency as every client should have a future task assigned as to when to follow up next.

Every client contact must have:

  • Client name

  • Preferred phone

  • Preferred email

  • Home Address

  • Date of birth

  • Status (Active or Inactive)

  • Detailed notes for each and every interaction

  • An assigned future Task

The last two are Bold for a reason, they represent the core functionality that directly impacts the client experience.

We are never "done" with an Active Client.

There is always a Task or reminder to be assigned.

There is always a "what's next."