a core data center for antifragile operations.

One of the most beautiful elements of Core Planning is our open architecture and adaptive nature.

Still, all such adaptive ecosystems require a source of homeostasis, an evolutionary check and balance.

By centralizing data and operations, will give ourselves the stability we need in the new world of plug and play SaaS solutions. Along with centralizing, we can and should do so without being permanently tethered to any given system.

Technology changes at the speed of implementation, so our data warehouse should not be considered a permanent software, but what should remain permanent is the structure of the data, our DNA.

Uniformity among our data will let us adapt to an unknown and amazing future.

We’ve partnered with Notion as they offer a simple interface while structuring our data to meet our needs.

Our data center should always meet the following standards:

  • lossless data and unlimited backup of previous versions and revisions

  • ability to lock format fields

  • instant and on demand export to physical data storage in .xls format

  • single source of truth

  • consistent data fields across multiple datasets

  • ability to be locked away from other systems

  • also an ability to connect to our other systems via API when needed

  • easy to use and easy to maintain