where we hang out
You're here for a reason. It's the same reason we're all here. We believe in doing work that matters for people we care about, and we don't believe that should require a commute to an office.
Slack is our digital communication headquarters. This is our place to gather, share, reflect, and learn from each other.
We believe in maximizing family time, personal space, creative energy, and lifestyle design.
By becoming the best possible versions of ourselves, we will be better advisors to our clients.
a primer on asynchronous.
You're not on the clock, and you're not required to check in here at any certain time.
Of course, the more we all check in, the more we are able to help each other, learn from each other, and share ideas and resources. This will make us better advisors.
Remember, this is not a place for personal client data, just like we wouldn't leave a client file open in an office lobby. This is our digital headquarters, and we don't lock up the doors at night.
Our best creative energy means not always having to synchronize on time.
By reducing our internal sync, we free ourselves time and space to engage with our clients in the most meaningful way possible.
Traditional investment firms can easily spend a dozen hours a week with committee meetings, sales meetings, wholesaler presentation meetings, stale sheet cake birthday meetings, you name it. The client doesn't benefit from any of this.
To be clear, it's undeniable that human connection should be at the center of what we do. We will meet up, talk, video conference, etc. We should collaborate and befriend each other. Business should be fun. Exchanging real-time creative energy is essential at times, and we won't take that away.
We also acknowledge that we live in a world that allows for meaningful personal connection, regardless of physical proximity.
communication principles:
You can not not communicate. Not discussing the elephant in the room is communicating. Few things are as important to study, practice, and perfect as clear communication.
Real-time sometimes, asynchronous most of the time.
Five people in a meeting for an hour isn't a one hour meeting, it's a five hour meeting. Be mindful of the tradeoffs.
Give meaningful discussions a meaningful amount of time to develop and unfold. Rushing to judgement, or demanding immediate responses, only serves to increase the odds of poor decision making.
Writing solidifies, talking often dissolves. Substantial decisions start and end with an exchange of complete thoughts, if it's important, critical, or fundamental, write it up, maybe we can all learn something new.
Speaking only helps who’s in the room, writing helps everyone. This includes people who couldn't make it, or future employees who join years from now.
We never expect or require someone to get back to us immediately unless it’s a true emergency. The expectation of immediate response is toxic.
Poor communication creates more work.
Companies don't have communication problems, they have miscommunication problems. The smaller the company, group, or team, the fewer opportunities for miscommunication.
Work should be fun.
Life should be fun.
a primer on synchronous.
So it's pretty obvious that we feel the importance and power of the written word, especially within a group setting, to allow for creative ideas to naturally emerge.
Here's the thing:
Light doesn't exist without dark, and Sync doesn't exist without A-Sync. These communication styles require each other and require balance.
Distributed and asynchronous systems work BECAUSE they free up our mental and emotional space to maximize Sync when personal human connection matters most.
We have more freedom to be fully present.
What matters is identifying the interactions that benefit from that personal connection.
connecting with and listening to our clients
connecting with and listening to each other
one-on-one calls to bounce ideas and share feedback
going out and spending time with family and friends
hobbies and fun
mentorship calls, planning sessions, process huddles
troubleshooting issues and solving immediate concerns
asking specific questions, learning, sharing insight
calling, Zooming, or meeting up just to say Hi.
The rest... can probably be a DM.